Masters in Health Administration Rankings

Masters in Health Administration RankingsWhen looking at advanced degrees in health care administration, it is important to look at not just the coursework and professors, but also the Masters in Health Administration rankings. The Masters in Health Administration is an advanced degree for people who want to excel at managing the business of hospitals, long-term care facilities, and health insurance. While the traditional route to this degree is a two year long program at a university, the changing business climate has demanded a transformation in the way this degree is offered. Accredited weekend and online Masters in Health Administration degree programs offer greater flexibility for those who must continue to work full time while pursuing their advanced degrees.

What To Look For in Masters in Health Administration Rankings

When deciding if a traditional or online Masters in Health Administration degree program is the best, many consult Masters in Health Administration rankings. The best degree programs are accredited, have experienced and respected professors, a strong commitment to research, and a low student-to-professor ratio. The most highly regarded universities offer a broad range of courses. They also have a strong history of graduating students who are highly prepared to meet the challenges of running a health care business. Graduates from the finest programs have an advantage in landing the best health administration jobs. Student acceptance rates and cost per credit hour are also important. Masters in Health Administration rankings weigh all these factors in order to determine which MHA programs are the best in the world. Looking at how the programs are ranked can help a prospective student decide if a traditional or online Masters in Health Administration degree is appropriate for their specific needs and career goals. When looking at these rankings, it is essential to remember that the various systems rate programs differently. Some attach more importance to the student-professor ratio, while some view the number and types of grants received for research as a sign of high quality. Others look at the number of students who successfully complete the program. All of them look at accreditation, and many evaluate the number of graduates who successfully find careers in the field, viewing a high employment rate as a sign of success. When interpreting rankings, look at how the ranking is conducted to make sure that the ranking reflects your educational and career needs.

Examples of Masters in Health Administration Rankings

Students can find a variety of rankings for an online Masters in Health Administration degree available in journals such as Modern Healthcare. This information is easy to find on the internet. The U.S. News and World Report site has one of the best recognized rankings as well. Other sites that rank online Masters in Health Administration include and These sites evaluate the faculty, quality of education, cost, and ease of scheduling.

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill has a highly ranked online program in Healthcare Management, as do Boston University and George Washington University. All are accredited. They have a combination of flexible scheduling, a broad range of course offerings, and outstanding faculty.

Prospective students should check the Masters in Health Administration rankings when choosing a graduate program to obtain more information on the universities and programs.